Thursday 12/11 BEM University of Trunojoyo Madura 2019, exactly the cabinet of Jokotole has a new innovation. They create a meeting and exhibition that involved the students and society to run and support those programs. As one of three the function of a college student that is the student as an agent of change they proved by their innovation program, because in this global era student not only study and stay at college, but we have to do more something which it also gives a good and benefit impact for others.

Firstly, they held a meeting in Gedung Pertemuan University of Trunojoyo Madura invited some figures in Madura, such police chief of Bangkalan, RKH. Abd. Latif Amin Imron as the Regent of Bangkalan, Radenpanji Abdul Hamid Mustari as senior humanist Bangkalan, Alliance of BEM in Madura, students, and Sinarto the chief of cultural official Bangkalan as the speaker. There, they talk about the development and introduction of tourism potential that exist in Madura exactly in Bangkalan Regency under the theme “Madura Sebagai Poros di Era Society 5.0”.

The next agenda, the committees invite all the participants to come to Kesek village to do an exhibition and cleaning the village. Not only it, but BEM also juggled the village to be wonderful and instagrammable that it is very suited to nowadays era. They realize that this village has hidden potential. The one of the committee, Yunita Rachmawati said that “The aim of this program is cleaning the rubbish which is destroying the environment, then they decorate every spot become a new wonderful tourism object, and hope this changing give a beneficial impact on the local people especially in the economic sector”. From this agenda, BEM hope that all of people realize and preserve every tip of our region, because it could be a chance for other subsistence, and one of  little steps to make a change and benefit human for other social life.